
Heli @ apacchrie 2017

Another wonderful APacCHRIE conference hosted by SBTI – The International Bali Tourism Institute on 31May – 2 June at the Sofitel Nusa Dua. What a great place to attend a conference. As always, it was a pleasure to catch up with friends and colleagues from around the world. HELI representatives presented 7 papers at the […]

Five golden rules for managing online student cohorts

Stepping into the 21st century, the concept of online learning has been embraced by many higher education institutes. But have the educators responsible for delivering learning through this new methodology embraced the new paradigm of two-way communications equally as enthusiastically? Here are our 5 top tips on how you can stand out from the crowd […]

Heli @ acpet 2016

Another terrific conference hosted by ACPET in Hobart last week: www.acpet2016.com.au/   #acpet2016. It was great to catch up with so many of our clients and also to chat with organisations that are thinking of becoming a non-university higher education provider (NU-HEP). So glad that our presentation on Innovative Quality Frameworks for NU-HEPs was well received with some great feedback […]

Consultants get up teqsa’s nose

In the past two weeks it has been interesting to read TEQSA’s warnings about using consultants to prepare higher education applications: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/consultants-no-shortcut-teqsa/news-story/0b272ce636cf6dca71ec2fb865cc3523. Given the behaviour of some more recently arrived consultants, TEQSA’s frustrations are justifiable. “Cookie-cutter” applications will not cut the mustard, and never have. Also, higher pressure sales tactics to RTOs belie the fact that most […]

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

I have always firmly believed there is nothing new in this world. Take this recent quote: “For too long and too often, the private education industry has been characterized by inadequate student outcomes, overly aggressive marketing practices, and poor compliance. This doesn’t need to be the case.” Sounds like a pronouncement from the Australian Department […]

To be or not to be a higher education provider? – that is the question.

With the challenges confronting VET providers in recent times it has become increasingly apparent that many Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are now considering entering the higher education space. But importantly, is higher education the right strategic move for a successful RTO? The answer to this question comes to down to an organisation’s capability in five […]

Who killed the goose that laid the golden egg?

Sounds like a fairy story? More like a horror story as the effects of the recent amendments to the Higher Education Support Act in relation to VET FEE-HELP work their way through the system. Under the new rules many RTOs will not be eligible to apply to become a VET Provider, limiting student choice. Also, based on my […]

New standards for higher education finally made law

Following advice from the Higher Education Standards Panel to then Minister for Education and Training, Christopher Pyne in December 2014, the revised Higher Education Standards Framework has finally been signed into law by Simon Birmingham as one of his first significant acts as Minister for Education and Training. A legislative instrument setting out the Higher Education […]